Where's the Awesomeness??! .....
Written on 3:37 PM by Hemanth Kumar
One of these which had taken me by storm was How I Met Your Mother! Thanks to Harsha and Vetti who introduced me to this series earlier this year...this series has always been something to watch out for...the reason....of Course...Barney and Robin....(Drooling....Drooling!!...;-)...).
It's 3 seasons down and the 4th one began on 22nd September in U S and A. Already 2 episodes of the current season have hit the screen...and after a long gap, I happened to see both of them...Couple of things seem to have changed. Over the past 3 seasons, Barney has been the most awe...wait for it...some, thing in the show. I say this because, he's got the diction and the style especially when it comes to his funk one-liners and also while seducing countless chicks in McLaren's (and in other places). Season 4 so far has been a little rusty when it comes to the Barney we all knew of...where's all that awesomeness!!!...maybe I should wait to check out more episodes to see if Barney's at his usual best!.....
Robin has been another surprise. She seemed to have lost some weight...and has toned her bhhhoody a bit!...(Sorry for my slangs...can't help it!). She's still hot as ever...but has lost a bit of her cuteness!!...:D. The rest of them don't seem to have changed at all!!!....Enough of my talk...I scoot to re-re-rewatch some episodes from previous seasons of HIMYM....
Check this site out....it's got an awesome collection of all your favourite shows and also tons of movies....http://surfthechannel.com
For more info on HIMYM....check this out...How I Met Your Mother-Official Site
And this one is an absolute must read....But I recommend you to read this only after having seen the awesomeness of Barney!.....Barney's Blog
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Take it from me, when you see Southpark, you would thank me just like you thanked Harsha n Vetti in this blog post.
@rc: Yeah dude...even I am looking forward to check out that series...and also Simpsons!...:D